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Yuniverse Creator's Network

The Yuniverse Creator's Network is a program of high school students that meets every Sunday night to create new passion projects and ideas to connect the community. This mentoring program founded by Yuniverse Foundation, is built to help students in middle school or high school with networking to prepare them for the future.

Young Entrepreneur's Club

The Young Entrepreneurship Club is a group consisting of a number of students at Langston Hughes Middle School. These students dedicate their time once a week after school to work with student volunteers from South Lakes. The YEC creates an encouraging and helpful environment for students to turn their ideas into marketable and profitable ventures using the foundations of entrepreneurship they learn from our volunteers.

The Yuniverse

The Yuniverse is more than just a foundation. There are multiple branches of Yuniverse where we focus on ideas that benefit the producer and the consumer. We utilize the model of having multiple branches to help people clarify the difference between which projects of ours are For-Profit and which are Non-Profit. Whether or not they are, our vision remains the same and we work to meet all our goals in order to serve the greater good.

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